Monday, February 15, 2016

Room 3 Information Newsletter

In case for some reason you didn't get this home to you, or you have misplaced it somewhere, here is a copy of the Room 3 class letter that came home a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks to those of you who have sent in a class photo - it's not too late if you haven't done this yet.

 Redwood School - Room 3 Information

My name is Michelle Morpeth and I am very happy to be teaching your children.  I have been teaching at Redwood School for 15 years with a couple of short maternity breaks.  I have 22 years of experience as a teacher both in New Zealand and the UK and have been trained in Reading Recovery.  My passion is in the teaching of Literacy and I particularly enjoy getting children started on their journey as readers and writers. I’m really looking forward to working with and getting to know the children and parents in Room 3 this year. I am very lucky to have Kim Hearps as my regular teacher aide in the class working between the hours of 10am – 2pm daily.  As Syndicate Leader I will have several release days during the term to tend to administrative matters and Miss Jo Montague will be our regular release teacher, providing us with amazing art lessons.

Please can you send to school (or email me) a photo of your family that can be displayed in our class as part of our ‘Getting to Know You’ topic.  If I could have these by Wednesday next week, that would be great.

Here is a general outline of our daily timetable:
Maths, Writing - mornings
Reading, Oral Language - middle session
Handwriting, PE, Art, Topic work - after lunch

Please make sure your child is here, ready to start school at 8.55am.  Children need a few minutes to unpack their bag, greet their friends and get settled, so the ideal time to arrive is between 8.30 and 8.45am. Please do not send your child to school any earlier than 8.30am as I may not be in the classroom and your child may not be safely supervised. The roll is called first thing in the morning and any absences are reported to the office promptly.  If your child is late, or going to be absent, please notify the office.
Morning routines include answering the morning question, putting book bags into the drawer and taking down their chair.

Book Bags
It is very important that the book bag comes to school every day.  Notices and any other things coming home will be in the book bag, so please remember to check it. Children are not allowed to bring reading books or library books home unless they are in their book bag.


Reading – Monday - Thursday
Please take the time (10 – 20 minutes) to read and discuss with your child when they bring a book home.  This will usually be the book they read with the teacher and it is important to reinforce what they have learnt in class. They will usually get a new book 4 - 5 times a week and may also receive a Word Ring to help with their high frequency word knowledge. Once your child is reading turquoise level and beyond they may not get a book each day as we focus on deeper comprehension strategies and may read a book over several days.  In this case we expect that your child is reading for pleasure and that you have a story you can read with them and discuss. Your child may end up with several books in their book bag. We encourage this and hope they revisit them.  Please make sure your child stores these books in their book bag for safe keeping while at home.
On a Friday our child will bring home their ‘Home Book’ which will have a combination of poems, songs and games for you to share over the weekend.  Please make sure this comes back to school the following Monday.
When assessments have been completed your child will come home with a Spelling Rocket. This is worked on at the child’s and your own pace and once learnt can be brought back to school for testing and a new rocket given.
Students are encouraged to use Mathletics regularly and tasks will be set to meet the needs of your child. You may find Rainforest Maths an easier site to use in the early stages and you can get to this via Mathletics.

We try to encourage healthy lunches.  Please make sure that lollies, chocolate, chocolate bars, and fizzy drinks do not make their way to school.  Nuts, fruit or veges are a good substitute. We encourage children to eat quietly, sensibly and neatly, and to take home what they don’t eat.

Toys and News
I would prefer it if children did not bring toys to school.  It is not necessary for children to bring something to share for news, they can talk about an event or describe something that they have at home.  If they are desperate to show something for news it needs to either stay in their bag during the day or be placed behind my table. Your child will have a news day that will be determined shortly.

Library Time

We visit the school library on Fridays at 11.45am. The children are allowed to take two books home and can have these for two weeks.  Most children however prefer to get a new book each week. Please make sure the books are put into the Library box by Friday morning.

Parent Helpers
I would love a parent to help us return and issue books during our library time, please let me know if you are interested.  I would also love to have a kind person to help me with returning reading books to the book room.

Hats / Clothing
Please ensure your child has a suitable sunhat – one with a brim.  Caps are not suitable.  They will need a hat at school everyday during term 4.
Please make sure your child has a raincoat or jacket in their bags.  The unpredictable Wellington weather can often see us dripping wet unexpectedly.
Please name clothing, especially those items that get removed often.

We have a removed clothing basket in the room.  If you are missing an item please look their first, then try the lost property in the hall.

I hope that this information is useful for you.  I am available for brief chats, before and after school (although Monday and Wednesday afternoons, and Friday mornings, I have meetings).  If you would like to talk in more detail, we can make a time to meet, or if you wish to contact me via email you can reach me at  I welcome the opportunity to meet you in person, and to keep you updated on your child’s progress.

Thank you for your time,

Mrs Michelle Morpeth

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Welcome to 2016

Hi all, welcome to a new year.  After a lovely holiday with my beautiful children above, I am very excited to be teaching the lovely Room 3 Year 2's this year.

We have had a great start to the year so far.